IGUANA YACHTS AT CANNES YACHTING FESTIVAL 2021 30 July 2021 We are delighted to see that boat shows are back! We will be at the Cannes Yachting Festival this year to celebrate the return of one of the largest European boat show. Find us at Palais 131 in the Vieux Port de Cannes from September
AMPHIBIOUS BOAT WITH WHEELS: WHY ARE TRACKS MORE CAPABLE? 30 July 2021 There are two types of amphibious boats available on the market. Indeed, you can choose between an amphibious boat with wheels or with tracks. Iguana Yachts is today the only boat builder offering a tracked amphibious boat. Why did we choose this technology to equip
FEEDBACKS FROM OUR 2021 UK TESTS CAMPAIGN 23 July 2021 The UK Campaign was overall very successful and the X100 was greatly received by everyone that came on for sea trials. The location of Poole and the surrounding areas were the perfect environment for the Iguana to show its capabilities. The large tidal range and
THE FASTEST AMPHIBIOUS BOAT IN THE WORLD IS AN IGUANA 24 June 2021 Equipped with twin 450HP engines, this Iguana will reach speeds that other amphibious boats have never reached. Inspired from the IG Pro Interceptor RIB, a model of our professional brand Iguana Pro, this boat is fully designed for speed. It is an all-terrain and rugged
INTERVIEW OF IGUANA YACHTS’ DESIGNERS 22 June 2021 After completing a training in design office and a design school (ENSCI), Antoine Fritsch founded his agency in 1993. At that time, he met Antoine Brugidou, founder of Iguana Yachts. Vivien Durisotti discovered the agency in 2006 and joined Antoine Fritsch as a partner five
AN IGUANA IN GRANVILLE, HOMETOWN OF THE COMPANY 27 May 2021 Some days ago, an Iguana X100 was delivered in Granville. While the team is accustomed to sending boats all over the world, this destination particularly resonated with the company’s history. Iguana Yachts was born from a personal problem. Antoine Brugidou, founder of Iguana Yachts, spends