Categories News Paris Salon Nautic December 08 – 16 Post author By Ancien site Post date 20 November 2018 Find us at the Paris International Boat Show Rejoignez-nous en Décembre au Nautic de Paris entre le 8 et le 16 décembre. Ce sera l’occasion de découvrir le mythique Iguana Original en “chair et en os” pour tous ceux qui n’en ont pas eu encore l’occasion. Un bateau qui a déjà roulé sa bosse et circulé à travers le monde avant de partir dans son port d’attache définitif au Vietnam. Un bateau qui montre que nous maîtrisons la propulsion terrestre électrique de nos bateaux depuis plusieurs années déjà. Mais ce sera aussi et surtout l’occasion de vous présenter les images de notre nouveau modèle semi rigide dont les premiers exemplaires déjà commandés sortiront au printemps 2019 Quelque chose à ne pas rater pour ceux qui veulent être les premiers servis. Nous vous attendons donc avec plaisir. N’hésitez pas à réserver un créneau à l’avance car nous anticipons beaucoup de visiteurs et nous voulons avoir le temps d’échanger avec vous. Schedule Sea Trial
Categories News Life with an Iguana – Evening Cruises Post author By Ancien site Post date 20 November 2018 Enjoy sunset on remote beaches. A Client in the US tells us how his Iguana makes the perfect location for an after-dinner cruise… I’ve always lived by the sea. My fondest memories are of my sister and I playing with friends in the sand or on dad’s boat long into the summer evenings. 40 years later and not much has changed except we grew up and I finally bought a boat of my own, so now we can play on it any time we like! This week we have friends over for dinner. We’re not the only couple at the table who own a boat – living near the beach usually means you have a love of the water. But we are the only couple who has their boat parked at their door. We decide to head out for a post-dinner sunset cruise. It’s easy for everyone to board from our drive – even those who have enjoyed the wine! It’s safe and steady so I don’t need to worry about anyone slipping or falling between the dock and boat like you would a traditional boat. “We’re not the only couple at the table who own a boat. But we are the only ones who have it parked at their door” Once aboard there is plenty of room for all 8 of us and we’re in the water within minutes. I realise my wife had this planned as she pulls a cooled bottle of Champagne from the fridge (water for me!) and glasses from the under-seat storage. We cruise along the coastline enjoying the city lights as the sun sets slowly returning to our beach just as darkness falls. The Iguana’s integrated lights shine the path back to the house and guests disembark as easily as they boarded. We kiss our goodbyes at the end of a memorable evening and all our guests appreciate how easy it was for us to set sail tonight. Something a normal boat simply couldn’t have given us. The Iguana is so much fun, it makes me feel like a kid again, only now it’s my wife calling me to come home, not my mother!
Categories News Life With An Iguana – Ultimate Escapism Post author By Ancien site Post date 5 November 2018 The Commuter, an ultra-technological amphibious boat combining comfort, protection and modernity. A Client in France tells us how he uses the Iguana to escape… When I showed my friends photos of the Iguana I had ordered they had two reactions. Laughter or sheer puzzlement. What will you do with it? Why on earth would you need that thing? It’s just a toy for billionaires, what are you thinking?! (My friends don’t hold back their criticism on anything). But when I told them I can park it at home, use it alone, enjoy the ocean whenever I want, stop paying crazy marina charges. They understood my thought process. Little did I know just how much it would change my life. It’s Friday evening when I leave the office to head for the coast, it’s been a tough week. I can’t stop thinking about it the whole journey home, and long into Friday night. I wake up on Saturday and still can’t shift thoughts of ongoing projects in the office. It’s cloudy and likely to rain this afternoon but I decide to jump on the Iguana and clear my head with some much needed fresh air. Within minutes I’m in the boat and on the water hitting 40 mph leaving the shore behind me. The wind in my face blasts away all thoughts of work and I drop down to cruise at 25 mph. When I can no longer see the land I stop and drop anchor, completely alone. This afternoon’s poor weather forecast has kept traditional boaters at home so I enjoy the complete silence, not another boat as far as I can see. I dig out my secret supply of chocolate biscuits from the bottom of the storage box, pull my flask of coffee from the cup holder and open my book. A packet of biscuits and 15 minutes later I am completely relaxed. The clouds begin to darken earlier than the forecast predicted so I pack up and head home enjoying the tranquillity of a clear head and what feels like my own ocean. People tell me exercise and healthy eating will help me cope better with the stress. I think you’ve never tried an Iguana. I like the biscuits too much and I can escape the entire world in minutes on my boat.